The Poison

They slaughtered the beast
that was trying to lead us
out of the valley
up to the high plains.
They roasted its corpse
and tore it to pieces,
convinced of their own
moral correctness.

And they burned down the kitchen
and turned loose the dogs.
Their fingers were greasy.
they burned down the kitchen.
they burned down the kitchen.
Greasy dogs running
away from the flames.
They turned all the starving dogs loose

And wine was all catered
with money they conjured.
With money they conjured.
By a waiter they hired
from a land to the east, where no one speaks English.
And the wine was the poison –
from their poisoned ideals.
From vanity, priv’lige and hate

And they burned down the kitchen
and they passed out the poison .
And they let the dogs loose.
And they drove drunk and fast.
And they stole all the money or conjured some more
and they drenched their Lord
in purple and amber.
and their smirking Lord sharpened his knife.

And the men from the east
counted the money, ‘while
the sick they got sicker
and the witless got fat.
And the blind they got blinder
and the lamer they got lamer.
And the poison it flowed
from the table, like gold.

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